Aglaonema Plants Things You Need to Know
Family Name: Araceae
Botanical Name: Aglaonema
Common Name:Chinese evergreens
What Is an Aglaonema Plant?
Plant Description:
Aglaonema is staple home ornamental plant because of its fabulous leaves and attractive colors. It is a type of plant that has high tolerance for drought condition, as well as for moisture. They love the bright, indirect light from the sun but it can also thrive in places with low to medium type of light.
This favorite ornamental plant is known for its colorful leaves in a wide variety of patterns. Some varieties are in green and white, while some are in red and pink colors. They are great for modern design of home decoration and for offices and living spaces.
Interesting Fact:
Aglaonema plants are among the most excellent plants to purify the air.
Aglaonema Plant Care
Aglaonema plants feature the colorful and patterned leaves that make any living spaces look attractive and stylish. It is easy to care for the plant because it does not require too much attention and complicated plant care requirements. In dry or moist condition and in low light or bright light condition, this plant can easily adapt to environment and thrive.
How to Grow and Care for Aglaonema Plant?
This plant care guide gives you instructions on how to care for your Aglaonema plant depending on variety. Information about the plant’s light, water, humidity, temperature, and maintenance is also provided.
Red Aglaonema

This variety prefers bright, indirect light so that its beautiful red, patterned leaves (and sometimes pink) look more vibrant. However, putting this under full and direct sunlight exposure will cause its leaves to suffer from sunburn. It can also tolerate dim and low light condition, but the leaves may not be as vibrant and rich in color.
Red Aglaonema plant wants moisture when it is dry season. During the spring and summer seasons, it is best to give the plant regular and moderate watering, but not leave the soil soggy and wet to prevent the roots from rotting. However, during the fall and winter seasons or during the cold days, the plant will thrive best in moderate watering if given after the soil becomes dry.
Red Aglaonema Plant thrives in humid environment, but it will still grow even in low humid conditions. If the temperature is low and the air is dry, the plant will benefit a lot from misting once in a while.
Red Aglaonema plant requires temperature at 60 to 70 degrees. For best result, the temperature should be consistent to prevent the plant from wilting.
Red Aglaonema plant benefits from plant foods on spring and summer months, typically the general houseplant fertilizer type.
Red Aglaonema plant also requires extra care to prevent “tipping” or turning of the tip of the leaves into brown color. There are various reasons that cause “tipping” in leaves. One is because of too much water. Also, too much fertilizers and minerals in water leave an extreme effect on the plant. Tap water usually contains chlorine, salt, and fluoride. Filtered water is an ideal option for this type of plant. Tap water can be kept overnight in a container before it is used on plants the next day.
Red Aglaonema plant contains toxicity in moderate level. It can be toxic to humans and pets when ingested, causing vomiting, stomach irritation, and mouth irritation.
Silver Bay Aglaonema

Silver Bay Aglaonema plant loves the bright, indirect light but not the full and direct sunlight. It can benefit a lot from well-lit locations, especially in a window sill where the eastern light shines. Too much sunlight exposure may cause the leaves to burn. On the other hand, there is no reason to worry if your place is not bright. This type of Aglaonema tolerates low light and artificial light, making it an ideal option for offices and windowless spaces.
This plant wants thorough and consistent water when soil is dry. Moisture is needed but it should be in moderate amount to prevent soggy soil. The lower part of the soil, also, should not stay wet to prevent root rotting.
This plant requires high humidity, especially during the dry season and cold season. However, if the space is low in humidity level, the plant can still survive and thrive. If you want to increase the humidity level, you can apply plant misting.
Similar to Red Aglaonema variety, this type also requires 60 to 70 degrees of temperature to thrive well indoors.
During spring and summer seasons, the plant needs plant food at least once a month to be healthy.
Ingestion of its leaves may cause pets and humans to experience vomiting and stomach irritation due to the moderate toxicity level of this plant.
Tipping or the brown on the tip of the leaves is one of the most common problems in caring for Silver Bay Aglaonema. The tipping condition is usually due to overwatering or too much plant food. The sodium, fluoride, and chlorine in tap water also make the soil unhealthy for the plant, which causes the tipping condition. If possible, it is best to use filtered water.
Spring Snow Aglaonema

This plant prefers bright, indirect light, but it can tolerate low and dim light. If your space only has artificial light, the plant can still survive.
Water is important but in moderate amount only to prevent the soggy soil that may cause its roots to rot. Wet soil, especially on the bottom part where the root is, should be avoided.
Whether in low or high humidity level, the Spring Snow Aglaonema can survive. However, the plant will benefit from higher humidity. Misting the plant from time to time helps in increasing humidity.
From 65 to 75 degrees of room temperature, this type of Agloenema thrives well. However, sudden change in temperature may affect its health.
Spring Snow Aglaonema prefers the liquid fertilizer. You can dilute the fertilizer in water, at least half of the recommended dosage or amount. Water the soil first before applying the liquid solution.
Being moderately toxic, ingestion of leaves may cause vomiting, stomach irritation, and mouth itchiness to pets and humans.
The most common problem is the turning of edges or tips into brown and yellow. This is usually because of the water. Tap water contains chlorine, fluoride, and salt that harm the plants. Instead of tap water, you can use filtered water or rain water.
Common Problems in Caring for Aglaonema
Why the leaves of Aglaonema become limp and droopy?
Why the leaves of Aglaonema turn yellow?
Why the leaves of Aglaonema are growing limp and drooping?

The leaves of Aglaonema plant may suddenly become droopy. This can happen normally to plants for several reasons, and it can be fixed easily.
· Because the Soil is Dry
One reason for limp and drooping leaves is dry soil. Although overwatering is not ideal for the plant, it is also not good if the soil becomes too dry.
In case you left the plant without water for a few days or weeks, and the leaves become limp and start to droop, you should give the plant a thorough soak in water.
How to soak the Aglaonema plant in water?
- Place the potted Aglaonema plant in the sink or in a basin that is big enough for the pot. Fill it with water up to 3-4” high.
- Let the water from the basin or sink wet the plant from the drainage hole. Leave the plant there for around 45 minutes.
- Check if the soil is soaked in water by feeling it with your finger. If water already reached 2-3” of the soil, it is already soaked.
- If soil still feels dry, water it carefully from the top.
- Drain or remove the water from the sink and let the soil drain completely. Once soil is drained, place the pot back to its saucer.
It is important to know that Aglaonema may need some time to adjust after soaking. Expect that the leaves may drop as a result of going through drought and then being soaked in water.
· Because the Humidity Level is Low
The leaves become limp and droopy because the plant lacks humidity. To increase humidity level, you can use a pebble tray or a humidifier in the room or mist the plant.
Why the leaves of Aglaonema Plant turn yellow?

Aglaonema plants can be affected by a variety of reasons, causing the leaves to turn yellow. Let’s see why the leaves of Aglaonema turn yellow!
· Too Much Moisture
Yellow leaves are caused by too much moisture. The soil should be damp but not wet, especially in the winter cold months. Excess water should be removed and watering should be done when soil is 2-3 inches deep dry.
Another tip to prevent yellow leaves on Aglaonema is that, when watering, let the soil drain well and allow the water to flow freely through the drainage hole. Also, make sure that no leftover water is present in the saucer at all times. This plant hates “wet feet” because it causes the roots to rot.
In addition, it benefits the plant if soil is properly and consistently moisturized but not overwatered. Irregular watering may cause the plant to experience stress. Inconsistent watering causes the leaves to become yellow, and sometimes leaves may drop suddenly.
· Too Low Humidity
Humidity is essential in caring for Aglaonema. If humidity is low and leaves are turning yellow, mist the plant or spray the leaves with some water.
· Too Bright Light
Aglaonema plants love the bright light but not the full and direct sunlight exposure. This plant can tolerate indirect light, artificial light, and low to dim light. It can easily adapt to the light conditions in the dark corners or windowless areas.
· Pests
Aglaonema plants become weak when stressed due to inconsistent and improper watering or lack of nutrition. When plant is weak, it is susceptible to pests and insect infestation, as well as to bacteria and germ attack. Insects like sap-sucking bugs and spider mites suck the nutrients of the leaves, causing the leaves to become yellow. For indoor potted Aglaonema plants, mealy bugs, scales, and spider mites are the most common pests infesting the leaves. If these pests and insects are ignored, and if they are not removed right away, they will absorb the plant’s nutrients.